
Showing posts from December, 2023

Day 118, 12/26/23 Fixed window ports replacement, Small things. 8 hours

 Fixed port windows  Made and replaced port windows, New windows screwed to the cabin every 75mm. Set on DOW795. fiberglass and gelcoat sanded with 220grit and cleaned with 50/50 IPA solution.  Detailed story is Here Interior Installed back finished doors in front cabin.   Installed head door.   Cabin sole. Tried to lite grind (350grid) stained floor gelcoat in main cabin under the table. Get pretty good results. Gelcoat has descent thickness to be re-sanded and re-polished.  Small piece at time. Was  Result   Refrigerator chest lid support Epoxied two slats on long side of opening.

Day 117, 12/16/23 Front cabin varnishing COMPLETE. 10 hours

 Interior. Both cabins, main and front one,  wood interior and  headliner 95% complete. What was done in the boat interior? + Galley rebuilt in the same shape as original. + New Teak wood butcher block countertop made. Individually made cover over the sink. All openings lids made without interrupting  wood planks. + Added flat locker under stove compartment. + Made starboard lockers over the settee top. + Duct work for A/C hidden inside the starboard top lockers to distribute cold/hot air in both cabins. + Ducts have button controlled flow redirect to switch which cabin gets more air. + Custom made wood air outlets with deflectors to distribute air more equally. + Custom made roulette type bamboo doors on all new lockers. + "bookshelf" on port side. + Made brand new cabin table from solid teak wood. + Rebuilt chart table, installed 21" built in display, made compartment and wall to mount electronics. + Replaced starboard bulkhead.  + Replaced all Window ports....

Progress report #5, Since Jun 27 2023

    Things are done since  6/27/23 till 12/19/23 New electric panel installed New wiring system connected and old one disconnected and cut short. Planned windlass installation place   All wiring but battery cables replaced with tinned copper marine grade cables. Battery cables will be updated later. New electrical panel installed.   LPG piping rebuilt. 24V LED lighting  installed around the cabin.    Rebuilt ice chest. Re-insulated and  added 110V refrigeration system .  Plan to use dedicated inverter to power it. A LOT OF INTERIOR WORK done.  What was replaced, All headliner,  Headliner holders (teak planks), New Starboard shelf with "rollete" doors, new "bookshelf" built in starboard, Rebuilt navigation desk, Made drawer in a cavity on galley countertop in between companionway wall and LPG tank, Port side cabin top wall liner geometry changed to make access to area under portside cockpit bank and many other things.  ...

Day 117, 12/9/23 Front cabin and head wood varnishing prep. 10 hours

 Interior Front cabin and Head Dry-fit of  all wooden parts, cabinet countertops and drawers. Prep work for varnishing interior wood across Front cabin and head (toilet). I removed most of removable trim, Head lockers doors, and door and took all home to prime all parts and likely varnish as well. Sanded all surfaces.  Vacuumed and wet cleaned  all surfaces to eliminate dust as much as I can. A lot of cleaning. Masking taped all things have not be varnished.  End of the day pictures front cabin             Head:   A lot of cleaning.  Pressurized water. Had to fix leakage under galley sink. Pressurized water, one of clamps on PVC hose between pressure accumulator had to be tighten. as well pressure accumulator screws was not put tight.  So, leakage fixed.

Day 116, 12/2 Main cabin wood varnishing FINISHED. 2 hours

  Interior Took masking tape off and put back temporary removed elements back this weekend. Main cabin wood varnishing finished. Enjoy pictures.  ASA certification. Is was fun, but I never complete formal training and certification.  This year I have got birthday "present" - complete at least one course ASA101 Basic Keelboat Sailing. I did it after 5+ years active sailing every weekend. Two training/certification tracks  under sail. It is me ;-)