Day 117, 12/16/23 Front cabin varnishing COMPLETE. 10 hours


Both cabins, main and front one,  wood interior and  headliner 95% complete.

What was done in the boat interior?

+ Galley rebuilt in the same shape as original.
+ New Teak wood butcher block countertop made. Individually made cover over the sink. All openings lids made without interrupting  wood planks.
+ Added flat locker under stove compartment.
+ Made starboard lockers over the settee top.
+ Duct work for A/C hidden inside the starboard top lockers to distribute cold/hot air in both cabins.
+ Ducts have button controlled flow redirect to switch which cabin gets more air.
+ Custom made wood air outlets with deflectors to distribute air more equally.
+ Custom made roulette type bamboo doors on all new lockers.
+ "bookshelf" on port side.
+ Made brand new cabin table from solid teak wood.
+ Rebuilt chart table, installed 21" built in display, made compartment and wall to mount electronics.
+ Replaced starboard bulkhead. 
+ Replaced all Window ports.
+ Replaced  cabin top side plywood skin. around the boat.
+ Re-built new cabinet in front cabin, and installed A/C unit in there.
+ Insulated hull sides in V-berth area with neoprene sheet.
+ Refinished Head walls from outside.
+ Glassed and patched all gaps between walls and floor in head-shower to make shower walls-floor as a pan to prevent shower water to spread around the boat.
+ Painted head-shower walls with 2-part topside paint to protect plywood.
+ Built new cabinet in the head.
+ Made new headlines using foamed PVC panels.
+ Varnished all wood around cabins. 6 layers min. (2-3 layers of wood sealer and 4 layers of Gleam 2.0)
+ Made new 24V LED lighting around the cabins.  with common dimer to be able to set low intensity level cabin lighting underway. Dimmer let change brightness up to almost off state. Under full brightness all lights together take about 30W (it is really a lot of light with all LED). On minimum side dimmer let lights take  only 0.1W.
+ Independent light and dimmer in the chart/nav desk.


 What is not done yet?

+ Recondition all "white surfaces" in a cabin.
+ New cabin sole.
+ Add stoppers on galley countertop.
+ Mount new cabin table on place.
+ Close headliner piece in head-shower covering mast wiring.
+ Trim around fixed windows. I still need to re-install windows again, they are drip leaking if soaking rain happens. Then make and reinstall trim.
+ Make new cushions
+ Make and install door in the opening under A/C.


Table waits to be installed ;)


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