Fixed ports


Fixed port windows rebuild

I am fighting with fixed windows  for 2 years with them with different levels of success, but loosing for now.

Original state:

Originally, they were set fiberglass resin (likely gelcoat) to the cabin top substrate. With zero elasticity and as result original plex just cracked due to thermal expansion/contraction. When I got this boat windows were cracked and leaked over cracks and around the perimeter.


I do not know who and why designed this way, but port window frame gives about 10mm (<1/2 inch) area to bond lens, as well surface to mount slightly curved, means provide constant force to pull front and back ends of lens out of the frame.
I made new 1/4" acrylic lenses to size. Installed using well-advertised Sika 295UV with activator (actually sealant was more expensive than lenses). Followed all manufacture recommendations with cleaning e.t.c


In about half a year one port started drip leaking. inspection showed Sika de-laminated from Plexiglass. I suspected I messed with surface prep or did not apply window in skinning time or so.
I cleaned all sealant and also scuffed plexiglass in the area of contact. Re-did the installation for both sides with the Sika again.


This time it survived for a year and start dripping. Inspection showed the same failure mode - de-lamination from plexiglass.
My theory here was the UV light is going through glass and disintegrate bond layer between Sika ind plex. So, I changed my strategy.
Next ATTEMPT was also very well advertised in groups way with VHB tape and 3M 4000UV. The idea is very promising, however due to the very small border around did not survive a half year. I did not inspect what and how failed, but I suspect the small contact area did play role here as well.


I tired to fight with adhesive  mounting and decided to change strategy.  Actually male tripple waranty on new design.

a) Make port windows mounted with fasteners to avoid pulling load on sealant. Yes it will be screw each 70mm of the frame - 36 screws per window. I know it is a lot of holes, but I hope it will keep this lens on place without stress on connection.
b) Plan to use other sealant on the window lip - DOW 795, it is good for skyscrapers, and must be good for us. DOW stating good compatibility with acrylic (plexiglass) and Lexan. Many people in network  recommend it, so, why not to try
c) Put butyl tape on outside perimeter.
New construction:
Window flange will look like this:

Lens drawing:

Manufacturing plastic windows 
Multistage process, whole window is longer than my CNC machine work area.  
Window is 1025mm length, work area 740mm length.
I split work process on 2 positions 400mm apart and cut left side, then right side of each window. 
Each position split on 3 tasks Drill oles, mill slot around,  then cut out of stock.

Part is done
close look

Ready to install

Time for adhesion test

For the window installation i need to bond Acrylic glass to fiberglass laminate.

To do only one shot (and i hope the last for next 5-10 years i decided to do adhesion test.

What is tested? DOW795 and two types of butil tape.

How test performed. I cut 15 pieces of FR4 PCB board, sanded them to have bare laminate in a point of contact. Surface area is about 1 sq.inch.

I make test what type of material, and what prep i want to do.

In all tests FR4 surface sanded with 220 grit sandpaper.

Test with Butiy tape (4 samples)

Parameter#1 - Sanded plex with 220 grit and 600 grit

Parameter#2 - Bed-it butil tape vs LLPT Butyl Tape Whitefrom amazon

Prep solution - 50% IPA

Test with DOW795

Parameter#1 (mechanical prep) - Glossy plex, Sanded 220 grit, 600 grit

Parameter#2 ( prep solution) - 50% IPA vs TotalBoat Dewaxer & Surface Prep 

Parameter#3 bare plex or Epoxy covered.


Adhesion test complete

Test with Butiy tape (4 samples)

Remove force to pull  plate on all samples about 6lb

600 grit sanded - no bonding (after remove no leftovers on glass) to acrylic on both types of Butyl tape.
220 grit sanded - LLPT Butyl tapes shows some bonding (but not great),  Bed-it - no bonding at all.

Test with DOW795

Glossy acrylic surface showed some bonding , remove force about 10lb. silicon delaminated from plex completely and clean.
All others, no mater what prep-work was done  bonded to level, that silicon ruber was ripped on middle.
Force to remove plates was about 12-15 lb. in all cases.

 New ports installed.

 I decided to use only DOW 795 on perimeter and in the gap.


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