Day 101 7/30/23, Main bulkheads and galley cabinets sanding-priming-sending-priming rabit hole 12 hours
Interior Priming galley cabinet. I feel like i am in squirrel wheel of priming-sanding priming here. SO it was 5 coats of priming. Sound crazy? Yes, indeed. First coat - Pre-cote primer. Learning lesson the plywood has to be sealed if you go to paint it first. So, it was almost sanded out. Second and third - Interlux Wood Sealer with sanding in between. Sanding again. Forth and fifth Pre-cote primer again. With sanding in between. If count each layer has to dry 6 hours minimum - it is a lot of time. All surfaces i plan to paint in cabin are primed! And all work done in Texas summer. +40C outside. Air conditioner works 100% of time and keep about 26-28C inside the cabin. Good for relaxing, but when you work, it is little bit sweaty. Final painting will do in October, for now I will leave it just primed. Nice and smooth surface. No signs of wood grain. Continue practicing roll-and-tap technique. Looks my brush is not soft enough... Main ...