
Showing posts from July, 2023

Day 101 7/30/23, Main bulkheads and galley cabinets sanding-priming-sending-priming rabit hole 12 hours

 Interior Priming galley cabinet.  I feel like i am in squirrel wheel of priming-sanding priming here.  SO it was 5 coats of priming.  Sound crazy? Yes, indeed.  First coat - Pre-cote primer. Learning lesson the plywood has to be sealed if you go to paint it first. So, it was almost sanded out. Second and third - Interlux Wood Sealer with sanding in between. Sanding again. Forth and fifth Pre-cote primer again. With sanding in between. If count each layer has to dry 6 hours minimum - it is a lot of time. All surfaces i plan to paint in cabin are primed! And all work done in Texas summer. +40C outside. Air conditioner works 100% of time  and keep about 26-28C inside the cabin. Good for relaxing, but when you work, it is little bit sweaty. Final painting will do in October, for now I will leave it just primed.   Nice and smooth surface. No signs of wood grain.  Continue practicing roll-and-tap technique. Looks my brush is not soft enough... Main ...

Day 100 7/22/23, Main bulkheads and galley cabinets priming 8 hours

Interior Work really slow down due to I need to wait  stuff to get dry/set. Galley cabinets After first layer priming i realized he problem - plywood REALLY needs to be sealed with wood sealer before painting. So i had to sand out the first layer i did and recover all things with 3 layers of wood sealer to almost avoid wood (plywood) grains showed on panels I am planning to paint.  It is a lot of time to do, but result after 3 coats is very impressive.  BUT - will see after priming and painting.     Main bulkhead wood sealing. I am planning to paint Main bulkhead. It is for cosmetic reason only. Wood is not wet or rotted . First step is wood sealing to fill wood grains to get better adhesion and cover then.  

Day 99 7/15/23, Refrigerator thermostat (final mount), galley cabinets priming, Nav desk 10 hours

 Galley Thermostat mounted, wired, connected.  Refrigerator is able to reach and keep 9C at 38C outside temperature. Thermostat is the small screen over the main switch panel. Storage drawer (under cockpit sit) Drawer designed and built. In attempt to install it, I found I missed measurements and it does not fit the place. As soon as "wall cabinet" wall was not completely attached to boat structure, I was able to cut it and provide more space for drawer. Drawer inserted Fully extended position. Main challenge is to make alignment slide to keep roller on place because it has to travel 1.8 length of the drawer, but out of shelf slides provide ability for 90-95% movement only. So, I put drawer on wheels running over countertop and plan to add slide, but mount it horizontally to keep it  move in straight line and prevent it from sliding on sides. Idea to combine 2 rails one over another, it will give required length of extension. only issue is to make way to disconnect it t...

Day 98 7/8/24, Cabin to cockpit wall liner installation, electric panel mounting frame, galley cabinets patching, Nav desk 10 hours

Interior Cockpit to cabin wall Installed Cockpit to cabin wall in-liner.  Construction: solid wood planks epoxied to fiberglass wall. one layer of 1/4 marine plywood scued to planks. Second 1/4 layer glued on thickened epoxy to the first one. Electric panel mount I have made custom frame to install electric panel regressed and vertical position. Top side of the panel recessed deeper then bottom to make panel sit vertically. I used countertop leftovers. It was not simple task to make it. It looks cool, is not? Navigation/chart table. Did not touch it for a while. In original design whole desktop opened on piano hinge. I am going to mount screen and dashboard right next to the desk top back. In this case desktop needs some space on the back side, but there will be no space any more. New hinges installed Galley cabinets Prep work to paint galley cabinets. started patching plywood.  MISC Just measured piece I need to cut and add   

Day 97 7/4/24, New Electric panel installation, Cabin to cockpit wall liner build, 8 hours

 Interior Aft cabin wall. I decided to make it the same way as it was made originally: wood planks epoxied to the fiberglass, then 1/4 plywood layer screwed to this frame. then one more 1/4 inch plywood spot glued to first one. to hide any screw heads and make nice surface. Dry fit for inner payer of 1/4 plywood "in-liner". Get it fit with just few fixes.  Added shims on the "frame" boards to make wall flatness. Port side part has opening to inner space where Inverter will be installed (where long pices if spare wood stored now). Area under cabin entrance will be covered with trim around the enter. Here are two openings, upper one is access to back side of 15" screen facing to cockpit. Other one is for electric panel Electric Electric panel installed. All old wiring is eliminated (but one connection [bow nav lights]. New panel connected to boat wiring system. Color coded indicators are added. RED - some problem or need additional annotation ( Bilge pump run, LP...

Day 96. 7/1/23, Electric panel buld, Galley countertop, Windlass, LPG valve, 10 hours

Electric New electric panel design Garage manufacturing is in progress Start to assemble  First Dry fit It is really tight,  but fit. Galley Countertop inserts around stove added, and all sanded.  Hinges added to storage box lid. LPG valve mounted with SS bracket    <<< No photos>> Interior Make templates to "back" wall Windlass Planning windlass positioning and anchor roller. Looks like actual build will be moved to winter ;) Some detailed bow photos and measuremants