Day 101 7/30/23, Main bulkheads and galley cabinets sanding-priming-sending-priming rabit hole 12 hours


Priming galley cabinet. 

I feel like i am in squirrel wheel of priming-sanding priming here.

 SO it was 5 coats of priming.  Sound crazy?

Yes, indeed.

  •  First coat - Pre-cote primer. Learning lesson the plywood has to be sealed if you go to paint it first.
  • So, it was almost sanded out.
  • Second and third - Interlux Wood Sealer with sanding in between.
  • Sanding again.
  • Forth and fifth Pre-cote primer again. With sanding in between.

If count each layer has to dry 6 hours minimum - it is a lot of time.

All surfaces i plan to paint in cabin are primed!

And all work done in Texas summer. +40C outside. Air conditioner works 100% of time  and keep about 26-28C inside the cabin. Good for relaxing, but when you work, it is little bit sweaty.

Final painting will do in October, for now I will leave it just primed.

  Nice and smooth surface. No signs of wood grain.

 Continue practicing roll-and-tap technique. Looks my brush is not soft enough...

Main bulkhead 

I decided to paint it too, so all what i wrote about galley cabinets sounds the same for bulkhead as well.


Main cabin headliner under the deck.

Made templates and cut two big pieces in the main cabin. it is the Foabed white PVC sheet 1/4 inch thick.

Only two places left without headliner in size of couple sq. feet. plan to do next weekend.

Piece over shelves. [Yes, it is very busy workspace area ;-)]

Here, you can see corner of the  headliner piece (left-top area)

Bonus pictures.

Usually I filtered photos I put on blog, but since this post i will publish bonus pictures as well.



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