Day 99 7/15/23, Refrigerator thermostat (final mount), galley cabinets priming, Nav desk 10 hours


Thermostat mounted, wired, connected. 

Refrigerator is able to reach and keep 9C at 38C outside temperature.

Thermostat is the small screen over the main switch panel.

Storage drawer (under cockpit sit)

Drawer designed and built.

In attempt to install it, I found I missed measurements and it does not fit the place.

As soon as "wall cabinet" wall was not completely attached to boat structure, I was able to cut it and provide more space for drawer.

Drawer inserted

Fully extended position.

Main challenge is to make alignment slide to keep roller on place because it has to travel 1.8 length of the drawer, but out of shelf slides provide ability for 90-95% movement only.

So, I put drawer on wheels running over countertop and plan to add slide, but mount it horizontally to keep it  move in straight line and prevent it from sliding on sides.

Idea to combine 2 rails one over another, it will give required length of extension. only issue is to make way to disconnect it to be able to remove drawer.


Drawer construction

Galley cabinets

Preparing for paint.

Sanding and patching in progress.



And then primed. Actual paint will be lighter.

 I have a problem, Primer does not cover plywood low lines well. and patched areas look smooth and not patched areas have wood grain surface. 

Looking deeper in problem i found i need to apply wood sealer before priming :(. 

So, I will need to sand almost all primer and seal plywood. And only than rime it again. 

Hard learned lesson. Actually i have spent half day to make negative progress....

Map table and nav station.

dryfit screen and building "ceiling" over navigation desk


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