Day 98 7/8/24, Cabin to cockpit wall liner installation, electric panel mounting frame, galley cabinets patching, Nav desk 10 hours


Cockpit to cabin wall

Installed Cockpit to cabin wall in-liner.  Construction: solid wood planks epoxied to fiberglass wall. one layer of 1/4 marine plywood scued to planks. Second 1/4 layer glued on thickened epoxy to the first one.

Electric panel mount

I have made custom frame to install electric panel regressed and vertical position.

Top side of the panel recessed deeper then bottom to make panel sit vertically.

I used countertop leftovers. It was not simple task to make it.

It looks cool, is not?

Navigation/chart table.

Did not touch it for a while. In original design whole desktop opened on piano hinge. I am going to mount screen and dashboard right next to the desk top back. In this case desktop needs some space on the back side, but there will be no space any more.

New hinges installed

Galley cabinets

Prep work to paint galley cabinets. started patching plywood.


Just measured piece I need to cut and add 



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