
Showing posts from May, 2023

Day 91. 5/27/23, Fixed window ports reinstallation, AGAIN. Put galley cabinet doors, Air filter frame update, Footpump reinstalled, 10 hours

Galley Open door installed on the left side and under the stow area. Electrical. Front cabin 110V outlet installed. Air conditioner. Filter mount updated to accommodate 1" thick12x12" filter. next step - make and install grille. Interior Top panel cut in size Fixed window ports. Long story short. I found both windows are leaking. Now try to reinstall on VHB tape and 3M 4000UV. In fact it was a lot of work to clean everything after polyurethane sealer. It bonded to fiberglass  Foot galley pump Galley pump rebuilt and installed back. I made detachable pedal plate from SS.  Just bonus  

Day 90. 5/13/23, Galley base rebuild, Countertop template, Bimini, 8 hours

Interior, galley Front panel and brand new drawers box installed Dry fit first, then assemble on glue. New drawers use all space in the cabinet. (original drawers were half size only). Template countertop. Maid "exact" templates. Electronics. Display opening cut out all went well until bearing found way to get out of routing bit. as result edge need to be reworked. Likely will do new template (10mm bigger) and route again.  < No pictures, sorry > Bimini top Reinstalled bimini, moved it about 15 inches aft. Glassed old holes.  Now it is not interfering with winches and ropes.  < No pictures, sorry >

Day 90. 5/13/23, Bimini, Galley base rebuild, Removing original electric panel 10 hours

 Bimini top   Nice new skin on my bimin. Sewed, tried, installed. BUT after i assembled all i found interesting thing. Original (previous owner installed) mounts sit in place where they interact with winches and jib sheet cleats.  So I need to revert  bimini and move it back for 10-15", there some interaction with furler cleat will be, but it is not hard to fix. Bimini tubing diameter Galley Not a lot of pictures, But front panels are fitted and next step is build new drawers module. Counter top pieces are measured to be cut in size. 58" and 68" New drawers set 3d model. Two 4"  and two 6" drawers   Electrical Battery charger moved to permanent place Original panels removed, Temporary connections made to be able to use electric. installed fuses - 15A on DC and 25A on AC. Made shelf for inverter installation.

Day 89. 5/6/23, 15" nav screen, Galley base rebuild, 10 hours

Navigation Removing leaking window port and prepare bed for new 15" 600-800 nits touchscreen. It will work in parallel of main nav station, secondary screen (7" 1200 nits) will be on nav pod (maybe another raspberry, but not sure)  Pulled port out, it was no watertight at all, as soon as i took screws it fall out from hole. Cabin wall is not flat. To be able to install screen I would need to make flat surface from the cabin side. I put thickened epoxy and compressed with 3/4" MDF plate wrapped in freezer paper. External view After plate removed I see couple wrinkles. However i think they should not be a problem to adhere screen to place. Hole is temporary closed with PVC masking tape to prevent water ingress. Internal rectangle - display  frame. Display opening will be cut by template in cabin plastic. Window opening will be enlarged about  2.5". I do not anticipate issues with structural integrity. Galley  Decided to redo galley front side. there will be new drawer...