
Showing posts from April, 2023

Day 87. 4/29/23, front cabin vent, Refrigerator, Electrical , 10 hours

  Air conditioner Front cabin vent build and installation. I made big vent for front cabin. slats installed fixed in position to spread air flow. During installation figured out the position of duct valve i can't align with vent, so had to redo one distribution box wall. to move air exit for 3 inches. All finished and insulated. Vent on the place Refrigerator Screwed  compressor to shelf. Unfortunately only 3 points are accessible to put screws,. but i do not see big problem in it. Glassed several mount blocks to hold tubing on place Electrical system complete high current and 110V wiring termination.

Day 86. 4/24/23, Refrigerator, Electrical , 8 Hours.

 Refrigerator Charged  refrigerator, and.. no cooling effect observed. Compressor runs, pressure dropped to almost zero.  Suspected obstruction in the system. I cut thin tube and observed how pressure pushing oil BACK from evaporator, but no flow from high side. I opened filter-dryer and found nice liquid refrigerant fountain out of it.  Dipper look showed the thin tube was soldered shut. Filter and all system soldered back. Now it works! Evaporator is really cold! but... will see in a week :-) Icing evaporator ;-)   But lowest temperature I was able to reach in  ice chest is +8.2C. Not so good, but lid is not sealed and and box insulation need to be repaired. Actually it was "dry run"  Looks I need to add some fan to circulate air in the box for better cooling.  Electrical  Installed terminal blocks on the back side of fuse box and terminated wires to there.  

Day 85. 4/15/23, Refrigerator, Galley, Electrical , 8 Hours.

 Refrigerator Condenser mounted on the back side of the LPG locker. System assembles, soldered (hope well ;-) It was really crazy to braze pipes on the FG boat using MAPP torch (no oxygen). I used set of wet rugs and couple stainless plates to prevent fire. Fire extinguisher was put  handy  next to the torch Interior Galley rebuild Finished bulkhead, added final piece and slightly glassed all around. Building finishing structure around refrigerator top. Some hidden space formed Pretty big one, but I can't figured how i may use it,  Added internal layer in right top cabinet. 1/4 PVC Sintra panels used.   Finished for today. Electrical Looking forward to build breaker panel  I re-checked wiring. Mounted several woodblocks to be able to zip-tie wires on entrance to electrical panel

Bosch 18V Li-ION battery cam repair

 I had one of my 18V batteries broken cam which locks battery on the place on the tool. I broke it years ago and used masking tape to hold it. it came too annoying. so i modeled and 3D printed new cam.    AMF STL STEP    

Day 84. 4/8/23 Rebuilt ducting, install vents, Starboard shelves, refrigerator dryfit. AC pump dempher. 10 Hours.

 Air conditioner. I made Air vents for main cabin. Marine plywood frame and solid teak slats. Plywood cut with CNC to distribute air on proper (fixed) direction. Backside box built from 1/8" foamed PVC sheet. Cut in shape and then mounted on the vent. then worked around with aluminum tape to make it completely sealed.Unfortunately there not enough space to make real "box" on the back. Vents after instillation. All plywood internal surfaces covered with Totalboat Wood finish. It dryers for a long time, after 8 hours it stays tacky.  Air conditioner. Yes, last time i moved raw water pump under the galley cabinet. But vibration  of the galley floor makes me sea sick in couple minutes on the boat sitting study. I had 6 rubber  shock absorbers originally intended for camera on the drone. Each one can carry load 250g ,  Pump weight about 3kg. sounds I overloaded them. But I use what I have in my pocket. Again they put spec on stretching load, I use it in compression ...

Day 83, 4/1/23 Finished mounting "shelf" for refrigerator compressor, Head and main cabin rolette doord for shelves, AC pump move to galley cabinet, 11 hours.

 Interior Head and main cabin starboard shelves faces ready to dry fit.  Head cabinet Install cabinet door   Galley cabinets and starboard shelf front doors    Air conditioner Air conditioner pump moved to galley cabinet bottom, next to fresh water pressure pump. Pump is below waterline, but not good enough to be underway. need to install check valve  on the line Refrigerator Finished refrigerator compressor mounting "shelf". (final sanding required :-) ). Glassed rails to mount refrigerator condenser coil (on the left). It is on the back side of LPG tank locker. Interior Epoxied plywood scrap part as "anchor" point fro bulkhead between main cabin and cockpit lockers.