Day 83, 4/1/23 Finished mounting "shelf" for refrigerator compressor, Head and main cabin rolette doord for shelves, AC pump move to galley cabinet, 11 hours.


Head and main cabin starboard shelves faces ready to dry fit. 

Head cabinet
Install cabinet door


Galley cabinets and starboard shelf front doors


 Air conditioner

Air conditioner pump moved to galley cabinet bottom, next to fresh water pressure pump.

Pump is below waterline, but not good enough to be underway. need to install check valve  on the line


Finished refrigerator compressor mounting "shelf". (final sanding required :-) ).

Glassed rails to mount refrigerator condenser coil (on the left). It is on the back side of LPG tank locker.


Epoxied plywood scrap part as "anchor" point fro bulkhead between main cabin and cockpit lockers.






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