
Showing posts from September, 2022

Work report #2 (since Jul 21 2022)

    Progress report What is done. [Rigging] forestay repaired.  I have cut damaged part of a stay and added 4 inch connection plates between front chain plate and turnbuckle, fuller construction give me this space. Solution is temporary will replace stay later. [Rigging] ALL chainplates and on spreader connectors cut and banded to shape. still require couple weld points. [Sails] Sails [cleaned, Genoa fixed, all ready to sail]  [Sails] Furler repaired and reinstalled. [Sails] Genoa set on furler. [Sails]Main returned on the boom. [Deck] Install new port Windows [interior] Finish Plywood panels installed on cabin top sides (interior) [Navigation] Install new Antenna and replaced Antenna cable [Navigation] Installed new windex. [Comfort] Marine Air conditioner 13K BTU installed, and get to work.  [Electric] Brand new wiring routed, with right wires and no shortcuts in materials, gauge and routing. [Electric] New Battery charger installed [Electric] New pair of fl...

Days 49, 9/24, New wiring Part 3, cockpit drain, check mast top mount for wind instrument, galley countertop remove. 8 hours

Lake Travis going lower and lower I was moved to new, and I hope permanent dock where Vira will live till refitting complete and she will travel to BIG water. Arrow shows top of my mast (highest one) Sad boats.... last winter water was more than 6' over the boat i sailed over it. Other sad one. Electric system       Added wires for electric toilet, refrigerator, autopilot, pumps. Ordered wires on hull sides Tested original battery charger - and surprise! it is broken. No sufficient charge current, just slight pulsing. Installed  5Ax3 new battery charger on temporary place.     Cockpit drain  Second Cockpit drain replaced.   Just look on original one! In fact Irwin used foil thick brass kitchen sink drains instead. I replaces with Forespar CF254 Marelon Flush Head Deck Drains     Engine room vents. Installed tubing terminals to keep vent hose next on the vents. Have no idea how Irwin did hold them, looks like they drilled openin...

Days 48, 9/17, New wiring Part 2, cockpit drain, Gray water port replace. 8 hours

Electric system Continue to make new wiring system       Wiring diagram Wiring Diagramm   Cockpit drain Made counted sink for flush mount drain. Used tool I made. Wooden cone with proper angle, used my CNC router to make it. Then glued sandpaper. I tried super glue, epoxy, and then Glue gun. Papered,  the best glue to do it - hot melt glue gun. It gives ability to change sandpaper pretty easy. It was not my first chose because i worried sandpaper will heat during the work and glue will not keep paper on place. In fact heat happens in localized area, not across whole surface and does not make any issues. Gray water port Re-bed the gray water port With 3M 4200 completed.  

Days 47, 9/10, New wiring Part 1, cockpit drain, autopilot maesurements - 10 hours

Electric system Quick test of house/start batteries showed one battery has 5-6Ah other 10-15Ah, so both batteries are on the edge of death. I replaced both of them.       After find the ALL  original wiring was done with not tinned thick stranded wire which is in oxidized. I found wire twisting was used even in original wiring in several places I found wire twisting was used even in original  wire harness. Other interesting observation on MY boat, All wiring on the port side is routed from main panel to bow and then returns back.I do not see why it was done this way. Boat has perfect space to route  wires from the panel to  port side just under the companionway step. as well Irwin diagram show wires routed there - not around whole boat. In fact it is not a problem with wires length, it also clear way to make electrical system more vulnerable to thunderbolt strike. Nice example of ORIGINAL power harness. Looks like wire appeared to be little short ...

Days 45-46, 9/3-9/4 , Air conditioner, Navigation and deck lights, thru-hull disaster plug, 110V wiring inspection, Toilet and holding tank removal, 18 hours

 Air conditioner. Have received raw water pump replacement from Webasto. They have no KoolAir pumps any more, so they replaced it with SeaFlo Pump. It has the same dimensions, power, flow e.t.c. But first i noticed, they made cheaper (more eco friendly packaging. now it is cardboard origami instead of nice poly-foam package. New pump is orange instead if blue, all other things are the same.  I installed, it works, functionally it is good. But the vibration is twice stronger than the very first one which leaked. Probably I would give up at this moment.(I hate the idea of running one more RMA round, for a pretty subjective issue) and late will make some sound and vibration isolation suspension/box around.   I have put new 12/3 marine grade wire for the AC, installed new breaker, fixed couple messes in the AC fuse panel. Added (temporary) wiring from  AC unit to raw water pump. Red bottom breaker is an AC. Why temporary? because wire is routed thru the bilge and the...