Days 49, 9/24, New wiring Part 3, cockpit drain, check mast top mount for wind instrument, galley countertop remove. 8 hours

Lake Travis going lower and lower

I was moved to new, and I hope permanent dock where Vira will live till refitting complete and she will travel to BIG water. Arrow shows top of my mast (highest one)
Sad boats.... last winter water was more than 6' over the boat i sailed over it.
Other sad one.

Electric system    

 Added wires for electric toilet, refrigerator, autopilot, pumps.

Ordered wires on hull sides

Tested original battery charger - and surprise! it is broken. No sufficient charge current, just slight pulsing.

Installed  5Ax3 new battery charger on temporary place.



Cockpit drain 

Second Cockpit drain replaced.  

Just look on original one!

In fact Irwin used foil thick brass kitchen sink drains instead.

I replaces with Forespar CF254 Marelon Flush Head Deck Drains


Engine room vents.

Installed tubing terminals to keep vent hose next on the vents. Have no idea how Irwin did hold them, looks like they drilled openings in the deck and inserted PVC hose there w/o any holding.

Spare holes will be patched later.

Fixed port windows

Figured out that for some reason starboard fixed window acrylic not adhere to Sikaflex. Looks like I forgot to prime acrylic glass when installed it. Other side sits great.

Galley countertop removed. 

Nothing to cry, it was rotted to trash. And I know this from the first moment.


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