
Showing posts from December, 2021

Day 5, Some engine check, Sump and Bilge pumps, rid off of headliner, 7 hours

Welcome to marina.   Dock cleats for main docking lines.  Yes, now I can drop line.  Strings still tied to dock frame. Check - fit companion way vertical slides, two smaller need to be shortened for an inch. Nothing interesting to show now.   Run around motor,       confirmed it is 2QM20H - 86264      Installed air filter, with current fuel pipes configuration "nose" may look only on top.     Checked oil     Tried to check sensors, several openings:           a) Cooling water drain in front cylinder is little draining to bilge. WTF, i did not understand why water is collected in the bilge when I start motor.             b) "ignition switch" is not switching "ON" wire, actually swtich is ok, 12V is coming from somewhere to Red-Black wire. Need to figure out what is going. c) Open positive wires from battery!!!! kidding  just connection...

Day 4, 12/18/2021, Girls together.

 Day 4, 12/18/2021 Lake Travis, transfer Sea Sun (Hunter 19) from West Beach Marine to Commanders point Marine to put side-by-side to Vira (Irvin 34). BTW name agreed  Irvin's name now Vira. Nothing done, just run Sea Sun to Commander point marine to keep girls together.  >2 hour sale, total distance about 6-7 NM, SOG 3-5 knots,  nice 5-20 knots wind, about 10-13C temp, Rainy at the beginning.     Thanks Eugene for help.  Now, girls are together!

Day 3, A lot of Measurements and removing rotted wood at galley , 6 hours work, 2 hours looking way to boat

 Day 3 Came in the morning and found dock bridge sank, no way to get to the boat. After an hour of attempts to pull bridge from under the dock and calling people from other side we found dinghy and about 11 am i get to the boat.   So only 6 hours left to do something . #1 Cleaned galley "wall" cabinet from rotted plywood Before  in progress All crap is removed. Wall frame left to use as template #2 Checked how much water damage around chain plates. Drilled 5 test holes from inside. - about 10 inches is empty. will look how i will repair. Likely just replace core injecting fiber stuffed epoxy putty around chain plates. Will see.. #3 measured a lot of stuff requiring replacement #3.1 ports (open and fixed) #3.2 companionway frames # #3.4 companionway hatch   #3.5 Chainplates dimensions. (record is in the work notebook) #4 Inspected bulkheads Port side bulkhead for some reason consist of 2 parts connected with solid wood shim on 10-16 wood screws. Replaced part (or just...

Day 2, replace driveshaft clamps, remove rotted plywood, 6 hours

3 Weeks over from Day 1, I traveled to to Estonia and Ukraine.  Day 2. 8 hours spent for 4 things. 1) starboard side, rotted decorative plywood panels removed. Some teal planks was savaged. All chap cleaned,  lockers in the back of sit cleaned as well. Top liner removed - a lot of dust in the liner.    2) stuffing box clamps replaced Found cracked glass and soaked/rotted core where driveshaft tube glassed. Need to be addressed when boat will be on hard. Cleaned machine room floor/bilge from mud. 3) Centerboard control line under galley sink, added the second clamp   4) Cleaned starboard deck and cockpit. Now boat looks MUCH better.