Day 5, Some engine check, Sump and Bilge pumps, rid off of headliner, 7 hours

Welcome to marina.


Dock cleats for main docking lines. 

Yes, now I can drop line. 

Strings still tied to dock frame.

Check - fit companion way vertical slides, two smaller need to be shortened for an inch.

Nothing interesting to show now.


Run around motor, 

    confirmed it is 2QM20H - 86264

    Installed air filter, with current fuel pipes configuration "nose" may look only on top.

    Checked oil

    Tried to check sensors, several openings:

        a) Cooling water drain in front cylinder is little draining to bilge. WTF, i did not understand why water is collected in the bilge when I start motor.


        b) "ignition switch" is not switching "ON" wire, actually swtich is ok, 12V is coming from somewhere to Red-Black wire. Need to figure out what is going.

c) Open positive wires from battery!!!! kidding  just connection made with isolation tape, tape is almost gone

Transmission. Telegraph.

I know gear is switching hard, so hard that remote control mounting loosing screws.

Spent about an hour, confirmed the transmission work well, to extensive force needed to switch the gear. However, cable is very tight. by feeling old grease is  thickened. I have hope to clean it and get work. Will see. Next time will try to remove it.

Water speed sensor. 

Pulled sensor from housing on the water. NOT did not sink, water flow is nothing to talk about.

Some grows was on the wheel. I cleaned it. Now it will be ok.

Took out almost all headliner and rotted sides.

Navigation table bulkhead corner rotted, but all around looks solid.

 Sump pump

Installed sump pump and bilge pump switch, still need to replace hose, but first need to disconnect it from output fitting.


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