Day 2, replace driveshaft clamps, remove rotted plywood, 6 hours

3 Weeks over from Day 1, I traveled to to Estonia and Ukraine. 

Day 2.

8 hours spent for 4 things.

1) starboard side, rotted decorative plywood panels removed. Some teal planks was savaged.

All chap cleaned,  lockers in the back of sit cleaned as well.

Top liner removed - a lot of dust in the liner. 


2) stuffing box clamps replaced

Found cracked glass and soaked/rotted core where driveshaft tube glassed. Need to be addressed when boat will be on hard.

Cleaned machine room floor/bilge from mud.

3) Centerboard control line under galley sink, added the second clamp


4) Cleaned starboard deck and cockpit. Now boat looks MUCH better.


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