Day 186, Engine base prepare, painting bilge under engine.
I have routed surface of blocks for about 1/4 inch to accommodate metal 3x4x0.25 angles to put them under engine mounts and cleared glass on side of the block for front mounts.
Rational to put angles - prevent lag bolts to get vibration in axial direction. Any wood screw may sustain axial for a while without get loosed. It is what happened - all original lag bolts broke all wood in the thread and get loose with no way to tight them.
To eliminate this i plan to put metal angles under mounts, bolt mounts to angles and then put lag bolts from the side. It will provide much more reliable holing due to wood screws (read lag bolts) will hold only side load.
It will be x4 6" long pieces. It will be nice to have two solid angles or even welded frame, but in this case I would not be able to have glass over the blocks or need completely rebuild engine support. so, i decided four angles will ok to provide adequate holding for the engine even if boat wold be turned over.
Future construction will look this way.
Unfortunately engine mounts adjusted almost all way down - I cant just put angle over the top of the mount blocks. I have to "cut in" for 0.25" into the blocks to compensate angle thickness.
It was just a good moment to refresh paint under the engine and provide some protection to fiberglass. As well, just make it look better ;-)
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