Day 185, Engine base laminating to the hull. Engine white smoke Issue found and fixed

 Engine Mounts

All filleting imperfections are sanded, we are ready for over-glassing.

Three layers of Bi-axial mat to glass mount blocks to hull

And one more layer of heavy woven roving fiberglass mat added.


Injection pump


In process of injection pump timing setup. 

To change injection timing on 2QM20 you need to remove pump completely, then add or remove shims between block and pump. 0.1mm in shim makes change about 10 degrees on crankshaft. I removed pump and found 3x 0.34mm shims. Removed all of them, checked timing  - get about 1-2 degree too early. It will be nice to have 0.1mm shim, but no way to find one. I would be rather little late, than little early,  so I returned  0.34 shim back and get about 22 degrees (-3 to mark).

Engine reassembled and started. Now it runs all way to 3200 RPM without white smoke! 3200 is little to much, but THE ISSUE is fixed.


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