Day 138, 4/6, Deck priming, 2 days, 8 hours total


Spent a day to wipe all to clean, then de-greaser, then solvent, and then priming. 

Surface area is not too big, but still be ~400 sq.ft. 


I did wiping and cabin top at one day, cockpit and area next to toe rails in second one.

Primed only area plan to paint glossy. non-skid paint does not require priming, just washing with detergent, but it will be later.

 Observed two problems

 first - rolling and tipping leaving brush marks  even when 25% solvent added.

Second - (actually helps to maintain first) I need second layer because  one layer of primekote does not covering well.

So, I plan one more gallon of primer and one mode day to of sanding and one more day of priming.


End of day1



End of day 2




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