
Showing posts from January, 2025

Day 185, Engine base laminating to the hull. Engine white smoke Issue found and fixed

 Engine Mounts All filleting imperfections are sanded, we are ready for over-glassing. Three layers of Bi-axial mat to glass mount blocks to hull And one more layer of heavy woven roving fiberglass mat added. Engine Injection pump   In process of injection pump timing setup.  To change injection timing on 2QM20 you need to remove pump completely, then add or remove shims between block and pump. 0.1mm in shim makes change about 10 degrees on crankshaft. I removed pump and found 3x 0.34mm shims. Removed all of them, checked timing  - get about 1-2 degree too early. It will be nice to have 0.1mm shim, but no way to find one. I would be rather little late, than little early,  so I returned  0.34 shim back and get about 22 degrees (-3 to mark). Engine reassembled and started. Now it runs all way to 3200 RPM without white smoke! 3200 is little to much, but THE ISSUE is fixed.

Day 185, Engine base sanding and fillets building to glass mount blocks to hull. Engine rroubleshooting.

Engine mounts  Prepare Engine mount blocks for glassing. Clean wood, sand hull to prepare blocks to glass. Sanded out old glassing and sanded hull to base laminate. Replace d rotted wood and glued shims to fill gaps. Made fillets to prevent glass to hang in air in the inner corner. Unfortunately it was pretty cold day and fillets epoxy did not get hard enough to glass them over. So, need to wait next weekend. Interior. Put insulation at the end of pilot berth and dry fit plywood panel for inverter battery cut switch. Engine Continue troubleshoot engine for white smoke on high RPM.   What was done already: Compression checked 390-400 psi. Connected tachometer to know actual RPM. Original injectors tested, they worked relatively good on testes but then one vale had lock in open state. Nozzles are replaced not open pressure 2200 psi, hold fuel well at 2000 for 10 seconds at least. Spray pattern is good. Valve gaps adusted to  0.15 mm gap. Fuel filter opened/cleaned/replaced....

Day 184, Engine base inspection and cleanup. Engine check at home, compression check.

Freezing morning ans surprise ;) Freezing morning in Texas Little frost on the boat ;) Engine mounts inspection  Engine mount blocks was glassed to hull only on one side, and now completely de-laminated. glasswork was very dirty. Engine was  screwed down to wood with lag bolts, water and vibration did their work, all 8 bolts was not hold and engine literally danced on the blocks. Glass on cross member i just took out by hands. One corner rotted for about 1/2" from the bottom. Will need to cut damaged wood and feel the gap before re-glassing blocks to hull. Spent 3 hours in boat yoga positions to cleanup old fiberglass and prepare area for sanding. Starboard side. (cross-member board just lay there) Port side top view. black wood is not a rot, there just surface contaminated with oil. Engine Assembled engine to state when i can start it. I just want to be 100% sure it still working after move and also check the exhaust smoke i saw on the boat. Video of the motor running in the...

Day 183 1/5/25 Take engine home.

Engine Take engine from the boat and move to home garage. Easy to say, hard to do. Water level in the lake now is 40ft below normal level. And total height drop between parking lot and docks about 70-80ft.  Marina has no lift, ramp or crane to move something more than 200 lb up way. Only way is very long stairs with 140 steps.   View form the parking lot...    Staircase we climbed up. Yes, you can see the lift, but it is only 200lb capacity and no way to use. Picture was made on the middle of the process. Based on engine spec it has to weight 400 lb. It is a lot but should be more or less bearable weight for 3-4 people. Challenge was accepted, but looks like it is heavy enough to do a problem ;-) Moving from boat to dock was very easy, just hook chain hoist to boom lift it  and swing boom to the dock. put on a dolly and roll it to staircase. After an hour of planning we (My son and I) decided to use blocks and ropes to slide it up. We mounted engine on the plywo...

Day 182 1/1/25 Engine haulout, added handle to refrigerator lid.

 Engine. Final decision made. I convinced myself to get engine out and repair engine mount stringers bonding to hull as well do check/repair engine "on side". Taking engine on my own was an interesting challenge. I am very pleased to boat designers for big engine compartment hatch! it was the game changer. Process to get engine out. Disconnect drive shaft coupler. Before disassembling I started engine put on gear and cleaned and slightly filed cylindrical surfaces on rotating coupler to have good reverence surface for alignment later.    There was no surprises but one bolt had not lock washer and bolts was not tighten well. Remove and starter, alternator  No surprises on alternator, but starter mount nuts are hard to reach due to starter body diameter does not give space to put 19mm socket on the nut (starter is to "fat") and I had to use 20mm socket sitting little "on side". Starter and alternator removed  Undo aft engine mounts.  Nuts on mounts are tight...