Day 177 11/23/24 Floor cleanning, Binacle and pedestal guard rail final dry fit.
Cabin sole gelcoat (Floor ) cleaning.
Still thinking about to keep original gelcoat on cabin sole and built in cabin "furniture".
During 40 years and and my and not only my repair activity "white" floor was used actively and had was weathered pretty much. Fortunately gelcoat layer is pretty descent, so I decided to sand it to clean polish and wax it.
Easy to say, but it is a lot of work. about 10 hours work on the floor with 3 types of sanders and manual sand blocks. sanding order 120 grit, 240, 320, 400, 600. After 600 plastic still have satin look, but it is really smooth.
There several places where gelcoat was too thin and I sanded th the glass. Yes, it is some imperfection , but I would rather left them as is.
I processed all "white" parts on the floor in the cabin. Wood covered areas (as you remember we removed all rotted plywood) does not require so clean sanding and cleaning, just 80 grit sand to remove old glue and make surface prepared for new floor panels.
Front cabin.
Area under the cabin table on port side. Originally smooth surface, I would prefer to add some no-skid surface here.
Little but hard to work with area in the galley.
Area under companionway and pilot berth. Looks like new boat.
After all sanding I re-glassed openings in the floor I cut to get access under the cabinsole to inspect what situation is under compression post.
Originally boat had not pedestal guard. Pedestal looks like "Irwin original" and I was not able to find Guard mount plate for this pedestal, so I designed my own ;-). I designed it
Ordered laser cut out of 4.7mm SS316 on service.
Unfortunately they do not polish stainless steel, and I do not know places around me doing electropolishing.
I just spend 2 hours to sand, polish and then passivate it.
To prevent stressing the pedestal guard tube in the area where it goes through the mount plate I added two straight 1" straight connectors as collars.
I did not spend my energy to polish whole plate, I polished only aesthetic area.
Final dry fit on the boat.
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