Day 175 11/09/24 Engine compartmet excessive glass sanding, removing cup holder from pedestal, review compression post base.

 Little work this week, actually nothing to picture

  1. Sand excessive glass on the knee connecting deck and port side bulkhead holding steering block
  2. Checking color and properties of PVC flooring i plan to use on the cabin sole
  3. Reviewing the base under the mast and planing course of actions there 
  4. Made new insert covering manual bilge pump and installed it
  5. Put breakers locks (to protect supposed always on and  always off breakers to be mistakenly operated)
  6. Get out and readjusted autopilot parameters. 
  7. Removed Cockpit compass and cup holder board from pedestal to make new one or repair and adjust existing one.
  8. VicVic  made template for bow block to insert under bow roller to put back screws. 
  9. Manual water pump, connected it to water system, but looks like check valve is too tight for this solution, water flow from manual pump is going to be small, but maybe it is not a bad thing ;)
  1. Checked mast alignment. 
    1. Mast appeared tilted to port side for 3/4 inch if measure top to toe rails difference. It lead total mast top shifted 2.8" and angle it 0.32 degree out of vertical. In my My vision  it is good enough for now.
    2. Checked straightens of the mast column athwartship (beam) direction. I used laser line to check straightness. Mast is straight at top part, but bottom half has slight (~10mm) belly to port side. I think it is not a terminal issue (maybe mast just over-tight slightly, or just has born in imperfection.)


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