Day 174 10/26/24 old cabin sole plywood demolishing, Anchor chain length marking, Engine conpartmet glassing work, pedestal guard dry fit.
Removing old Teak and holly plywood from the floor. It was mostly de-laminated and rotted in about 50% of surface.
Galley floor in process
Younger son provided great help today
Whole floor cleaned up from wood.
Windlass battery strapped down.
Pulled out chain and marked 40, 60 and 80 feet points with pieces of webbing to make length tabs
Engine room.
Glassing "the shelf" over the opening originally left by builders. This area was just a hole opened directly from engine room to cabin. Result engine room wall was just "in air" and any water splashed in this area will be ended pilot berth really wet..
Another thing which had to be addressed - the bulkhead to deck connection. it was very weak and bulkhead traveled about an inch side to side when any load applied to steering. I am not sure the stiffening this joint this way is right thing to do, but i hope it will provide some support to bulkhead. it si to side direction.excessive glass should be cut or grind later.
Pedestal guard
Pedestal guard dry fit
Fitted the pedestal guard I bought for $100. It looks fit good. However observed the engine telegraph handle colliding with the guard tubing. First impulse was to bend the handle, but now i think maybe better to insert level block between engine control and pedestal wall may help more elegant way.
Drilled and filled holes for tubing mounts.
Just noting some dimensions for boom kicker bracket
Gooseneck is really tired, need to think how I can make it rebuilt or at least repaired.
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