Day 162, 8/10/24 Fuel tank part 4 (glassing and glasing), Chain locker Part 5 (Box installation, new thru hull)
Chain locker
Box is ready for installation.
And opening is ready as well
New thruhull on the place. 5mm FR4 backing plate set on thickened epoxy to hull.
I know, this wire splice looks wrong, it will be fixed later.
Chain box installed. I decided to make it "kind of" removable. It set on 3M 4000UV adhesive and 9 1/4" bolts, also it sits on cone shape profile, so bolts just to keep it on place. Even without them i was able to stand in the box. sealant is feeling gap in between original surface and box sides. Later I plan to sand surface around and put couple layers of glass cloth just to make it 100% sealed and level surface.
Yes, thick wall clear PVC 3/4" hose, drain speed is faster than I could fill by city water hose.
One clamp only, it is over the water line and no pressure there.
External view. old hole patch exterior sanding and fairing. She is ready for priming.
Fuel tank
Resin is ready to glaze.
Visually here almost no difference, however Whole surface covered with glass cloth and glazed with 2 additional layers of fuel resistant epoxy. Air bobbles escaped with hat air gun. works pretty well. Unfortunately some volume of resin ended on the tank bottom forming solid piece of cured resin. I do not now it it good or bad, cut I could not fight this completely.
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