Fuel Tank
Sanding geloat down to make epoxy skin stick well to original laminate.
Easy to say, but it is 3 hours of work in Fiberglass dust environment.
All gelcoat removed. Tank is ready to start build back.
One more view.
patched all voids
Opened crack on the tank bottom, and glassed bottom corner with 3 layers of 1708 glass using west systems epoxy.
First layer of glass, Epoxy is red due to old hardener stored in metal can.
3 layer done. should be about 4mm thickness. About 4 inch in both directions extended. Laminated from narrow to wide to eliminate stress point.
Chain locker.
This is what i have got from mold. Yes, I decided do not play with gelcoat due to it is internal part and likely will not be exposed to sun, however I want it looks like good. so smooth surface will be painted by bilge paint.

as you remember I built "interface" part to make sure box will sit tight on place.
Now is the time to connect box and "interface".
I bonded interface and box using thickened epoxy. in 4 spots. two surfaces and two small connections.
then will fill the gap in more comfortable work place (garage).
Box sits on place.

Box with attached "interface" piece going back home for final glassing parts together.
Corners are sanded, it only looks like huge air bobbles. ;-)
Check drain position. (week ago i corked it with bolt and washers) Yes, original chain locker drain point is too high to leave it there. So, need to BE closed.

Thickness in this area is about 6mm scope 1:12 -> 72 mm ground bevel around

First 5 leyers done, 2 left

Patching original hole from inside complete.

Plan to fair it from outside next weekend.
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