Day 139, 4/21, Autopilot drive connection, Deck priming, sanding between layers, 8 hours


Finally, connected wires from autopilot drive to Raspberry.  looks it works well and able to turn rudder easy and fast. I did not installed end switches and rudder angle sensor, so no wild play now


Self turning wheel video - Dry test video. Rudder controlled from computer. On Video motor power set to 10% max. Can't wait to install safety switches to try to do full speed run test.


Still working on deck painting prep work.
This day did sand between layers. This time wet sanding.

I do not know what went wrong, but PrimeKote  did not self-leveled and as result i have pretty deep brush marks everywhere. and now i need to sand a lot to clean the mess.

Second mistake, i wait for a 2 weeks before sanding and primer have got very hard to sand.

Couple areas, where I forgot to tip primer and just roller texturing left was way easier to sand, so, likely no tipping any more on primer.

After 10 hours of sanding I think i am pretty close to be ready to put second layer of primer.
I washed out off  all grindings and after drying found ~10 places where I need to do some small touch-ups  with putty. Likely will do after work evening or lunch time during the week.


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