Day 102 8/6/23, Interior work, 10 hours

 Little bit about weather in Austin TX now

 A/C works great!


 Head (Toilet)

Deck Headliner and light on installed.

Mast wiring channel added. I will put the same white PVC material as i used on headliner or just plywood to cover it. still considering...

Temporary mounted  air exhaust fan, blowing ait from head (toilet) room in Dorade box and out.


Headliner panels and light. Not perfect match, but at any case i will add some trimming.

Main cabin

Installed lamp over shelves (and worktable) on portside. And trimmed headliner to size

Cabin finishing.

 Started priming plywood with wood sealer. Aft cabin wall  is done.

It is not varnished yet. when I come to varnishing  i will need to clean ALL dust as much as I can from the boat. Probably take tools and materials I do not need for finishing out of the boat as well.

Fixed windows

Filled gap between windows and internal plywood skin. I pushed this for a while. It is messy work have to be done very carefully without damaging plywood skin surface. 

I used Epoxy mixed with little amount ob chopped glass to give some structural strength,  410 Microlight Filler to be little bit easier to sand, 404 adhesive filler and silica to make stuff viscosity good enough to work with.

Actually very tricky work to fill "overhead"gap.

Next step TRY to sand it and do not damage acrylic glass ;-)

Just Bonus pictures


Water in the lake Travis is still dropping. Very left boat on dry was 8 ft under water and i was able to maneuver over it in January  22'. Another bow stick out of water appeared couple month ago. Now it is 3 ft over surface.docks on a hill was right next to water line...

Lift tracks are over;)



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