Day 93. 6/10/23, Galley countertop fit to place , Big cockpit display, Cockpit locker 12 hours




Pre-work at home: Sink and storage compartments openings routed on CNC. Cut in exact dimensions of sink, 12x12" for storage and 12x16" for refrigerator box lid.


Lids will need gluing frames around to make them "slide fit" on the holes. Need to be done later.

Both parts installed and fitted. It is strange but all openings on right places :-)


 Biggest worry was the sink may collide with new drawers module. Nope, all good.

Routed grooves to set "wall cabinets" sit tight and do good connection to countertop without trim, but looks like trim around door and in connection to next panel will be necessary at any case.

Glassing area of exposed foam in aft "wall" cabinet bottom to protect it from water in case if some leakage will  happen.  


Yes, it is red, i have very rare red epoxy :-))))) actually it is colored by fast  hardener sit in can for a while. West Systems is calming that color is coming from metal can over time, and it does not compromise cured resin strength, so it will be red until I use all this hardener.

Cut in gambled range  and making templates for joining fore and aft part of countertop.


Big cockpit display installed using VHB tape too keep in on place and make 2mm gap between fiberglass and touchscreen glass to provide some layer of polyurethane rubber between. Actual adhesion and sealing  made by 3M 08609 Window-Weld Super Fast Urethane used to glue windshields on cars.

Hope it will keep better than sikaflex on fixed ports.

Next day, I made sun cover/phone pockets and mounted snap buttons to hold it.  

Photo camera screw up a little. It is good enough visible in sunny day.
And Bonus ;-) one of pockets is exact size to keep flask with BLACK RUM. (All was sized to Iphone 13 size but it UNEXPECTEDLY appeared to be right size for RUM.


Starboard cockpit locker. Made protecting wall (right side, on picture ) to cover high pressure tubing from refrigerator compressor and condenser, and compressor itself. All connections glassed from both structure and one layer ;) (if it may be counted as one layer) of 1708 to hull.


Tube you can see on photos is one more strange thing in Irwin 34 design - drainage tube from propane locker. It made from is fiberglass (it is ok.) but from the locker side it barely glassed (or maybe just 5200-ed ) to propane box. so any heavy thing dropped to locker brakes that connection and water (and propane in case of leakage drains to the bilge). Looks like Darvin's reword candidate!

I am planning to make hard support it to bulkheads on both sides and sure well glass it to propane box.

 I painted locker with TotalBilge Paint from TotalBoat.



Added 12V outlet and USB charger in front cabin.


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