Day 92. 6/3/23, Galley countertop dry fit, Big cockpit display, Refrigerator, Cockpit locker, AC air filter cover. 10 hours


Galley countertop dry fit and adjusting to place. 

Final edge cut and trimming


Cockpit display dry fit (50% brightness on picture)

Clearly readable.


Frame painted with layer of gelcoat. covering with film to protect from coming rain.


 Propane linereplacement. Put a new propane nine. Original one had several connected segments. I think it is not a really good idea.


Foamed gap around ice chest box as much as i can.

Added small fan to circulate air inside cooler box, I have got  7C in 3 hours. testing. lowest temperature is 5C.

However condenser is really hot (60C at least), likely will add another fan to it to avoid too high temperature difference as to make better efficiency.

Air conditioner.

Made new teack wood grill  and installed it.



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