Day 80, 3/4 Galley countertop templating, and removing old one. backstay chainplate replacement 8 hours
Galley countertop and cabinets
Original countertop consist of two parts, One with sink and food storage locker lid.
Another one covers ice chest and forms first step of companionway stairs.
I have made paper template for whole countertop.
I added check dimensions to be able to confirm if template is not deformed when i will lay it on new material.
Countertop is removed
Back side...
Left side is rotted significantly. At any case i am going to replace it.
Back-stay chainplate replacement.
Old chainplate was done from unknown SS bar, and manufactured very poorly. Pin hole was off center and shifted to the edge. thickness is 3/16"

So, I am going up size to 1/4" SS 316 . also installing old plate as backer. Hope it will make some difference to better side. Only thing leave me doubts is fact the plate mounted on transom with 4 x 5/16 countersink bolts (mean screw with hut).
When I started to prepare to work I found the difference in transom thickens (~1/8") between two top and two bottom screws. So backer plate can't be mounted without of leveling of the area.
I have grinned out gelcoat and laminated 3 layers of 1708 on the lower area with slight shifts to make area flat, then overplayed all area sheet covering whole area. also filled old (oversized) holes with thickened epoxy with silica filler.
Place cleaned.
Area laminated to level back surface to be able to use backer plate.
Red color is from pretty long stored fast hardener, west systems in theirs white papers do not conciser this as an issue.
Information from West Systems.
"Exposure to metal may cause the 205 Fast Hardener to turn deep red or purple. The metal from certain large capacity dispensing pumps may accelerate this condition, and exposure to the metal of the hardener container may also cause this change. The hardener’s color will not affect the epoxy’s cured physical properties."
When all epoxy set, I drilled new holes and installed new chain plate using new bolts.
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