
Showing posts from February, 2023

Set sail, 4 hour walk away and enjoy nice wind

Sailing Lazy sail. Only about 110% Genoa, no main hoisted. 15 knots with 20 gusts, mostly Board reach to Beam reach sail up river, then weather get to steady 20 knots with up to 28 gusts, "crew" was not ready to to sail upwind, so we motored back.   No pictures on way back ;-)  

Day 79, 2/25 Head cabinet rebuld 8 hours, Autopilot

 Engine Check oil, Run engine  for 30 min on mid RPM. Made sure all warks. All looks good, little white "oil" smoke visible, smells like burned oil ;-)  Packing is not dripping, what me little bit nervous, however an hour ride next day did not heat packing box any. Cleaned contacts on engine to control connector. Oil pressure switch contact was lost. Interior.  temporary toilet. Made plywood plate to install porta-poty and installed holders to prevent it running around.  Cut extensive piece of sanitary hose.    Facet and sink Installed facet and sink, so we can use water here. Head cabinet . Built head cabinet back, panels made outstanding "countertop" for 0.5" to prevent plywood absorb water if something will be spilled on it. Glassed right wall to the hull and deck with one layer of 1708. Autopilot drive project  progress A lot of calculations and chasing ideas. So, final plan is to make design close to wheel drive, but "on steroids". Irwin 34 s...

Day 78, 2/11 Shower walls prep and painting - 6 hours

Interior Head walls painting.   Side by side - new and old. Little history Prep-work is done, ready to go. A lot of work, nothing to show ;-) Mostly it was a practice to use roll and tip technique and I think we had only 4 of 5 result. Looking back on job - we would need to put more brush thinner. But so far it is white! My wife maria greatestly helped with prep work and painting. I did just tapping. And all imperfections are on my hands. Masking tape left for coupe days to to let paint make good film. And final view Just me ;)   Other Just boat back view, it is hard to realize how beamy she is. I like beamy girls ;-)

Day 77, 2/4-2/5/23 Head bulkhead bottom knee glassing, Shower walls priming - 9 hours

Foggy morning...  Interior Head walls  Adding piece of teak to add bulkhead support and close hole in between main cabin and head. Glassing and filling was done in one cycle. Looks not perfect but filler will be sanded later. From the main cabin just glassing. Looks not superb, but functional. Walls priming. This day Maria helped me a lot in sanding and priming the head interior. Just finished priming. And after masking tape removal... Locker next to battery compartment. As i wrote earlier, I found pretty big completely enclosed compartment next to battery box on port side. I have made storage locker there. Main concern - I would like to have as much as i can access to internal side of the hull (just in case), as well storage volume always is handy.  Some work is left there - close bottom to prevent thing go under battery box. Structural I found the longitudinal bulkhead dividing starboard side to locker and engine "room" tabbing completely de-laminated. Likely happened ...