Day 36, 7/9, starboard patching and bow priming, window removal, AC dry fit, reinstal checkvalve for sump box, chainplate, spreader; 7 hours
Primed starboard patches and are right under toe rail. For
now i can leave it until better temperatures will come. Used Primekote
from Interlux. Weather is crazy - 100F+. Have heavy orange peel, but at
least covered area from UV.
TODO: prime deck near toe rail from deck side, maybe put stanchions back.
Windows (ports)
Removed one window, checked how to do it.
Process: Take out decorative frame, cut side of the frame, bend it inside and take out.
Install template - route the hole. Old window papered 3-5mm wider than new. so, not so much to grind, mainly grinding the slope back for spigots.
Installed "slope plate adding additional 2 degree to make internal wall more vertical.
Measured final thickness to buy right screws - #10 1-1/4"
Sump box
Replaced broken check valve, will put air draining hole later.
Standing rigging.
Tried to push forestay threaded pin ahead - no success - cut wire again and inserted, but forestay will appear 2 inch shorter :(. Ordered new inserts for sta-lok.
Calculated materials to replace whole set of standing rigging... Sta-lok based set
Total - $2672 - point to think....
Air conditioner
Dry fit and water level check. AC sits well. looks like pan is banded a little , but it may be mounted right.
Standing rigging
Crack in a chainplate on starboard spreader.
UPDATE!!!! In real check, that crack appeared just a scratch and dirt.
So, I have set to build new chainplates and spreader splitter.
Ordered set of chainplates including Front stay, Back stay, backing plates for them, top and Mid top plates and plates for spreaders. Order on total - $440 including required bending.
Another update: backstay plate has to be bend only about 5 degrees, not 14.
Just in case other chainplates drawings
Davis wind instrument.
Mount for mast top. Progress. Mount will be screwed to mast on starboard side.
Next steps paint mount, check positioning and make wifi transmitter for the sensor.
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