Day 30-31, 6/11-6/12 Deck to hull nightmare Part 3, Big cleaning, 16 hours.


New schedule 6:30 AM - 3:00PM 

Weather is too Hot 25 early in the morning and up to 40C  during the day.

Deck to hull joint

Continue work on joint. Did stupid mistake to leave  masking tape under laminate, as result spent a lot of time on sanding out edge of laminating area. as result sanded out gelcoat on the areas where masking tape was. NEVER repeat this mistake again.

Rail dry fit and drilling holes for screws. I almost cry to make holes in the thing i did to be waterproof.

"Painted" all with gel-coat. Very hard to work with gel-coat in so hot weather.


Sanded gel-coat out ;-)  really it appeared that sanding it to state where  it will be good enough to be smooth require to sand it almost completely out. SO - NO FUN!, spent time and money for nothing. Learned lesson - no less than 3 layers on gel-coat work. likely i need to put 3-4 layers to make the idea work but no reason to do... 

Installed rail back with 3M 4200, hope for the best. 4200 start setting TOO fast, 15-20 minutes on hot weather. literally fight against time to put all screws before adhesive sets in full. In 2 hours it looks like it set almost completely. need to order 6-10 screws and put them.

Rail installed back.

Big cleaning


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