Day 27-28, 5/21 Deck water drains part 3, Deck to hull nightmare, 12hours

Deck drains

Rechecked drains. Put masking tape on the hull outside and flooded deck with water. 2 drains good, 2 still leaking in one spot each .re-sanded them and glassed with 2 layers of 6oz fiberglass overlay problematic places.

Fuel port

Fuel port to deck sealing is not exist, water just running over. Port has to be resealed.


Hull to deck joint

Found out hull to deck joint in the starboard have no sealing at all. leaks in several places.

Sealer/adhesive  dried out and can be removed as pieces.

I made decision to tale out aluminum toe rail to inspect joint ind then see what can be done.

Ufff... it was pretty hard work to take it off. used rubber hummer and oscillating tool to break 3M5200 between deck and rail. But in close view it was not sealed as have to. mostly it did not have adhesion to aluminum rail. Sealant was filled on about 10% of surface it have to be. 

Process of rail removal.

What under the rail?

 Hard to see on the picture, but it is appeared, previous owner did "sea"l hull to deck already. He cut 5x5mm groove and put some putty in it. that i all what was done. Due to hull flexing and very limited surface of bonding it cracked and allow water come in. 

So, a lot of work to fix this mess. I decided to route slot 1/4 wide and 1" deep. Fill it with West systems epoxy mixed with 404 adhesive filler, with addition of microfibers and colloidal Silica. Then glass joint over and put rail back using 3M 4200. 

Yes it is easy to say. Cutting 36' slot in fiberglass is not a fun. A lot of labor.

Then I ejected west marine epoxy with microfibers, 404 adhesive and carbosil for viscosity.


Inspected sails.

Head sail,Genoa, it was on furler.  Clean and in good condition, couple stitches holding protection cloth have to be redone and need to put new tail-tails.

Main sail, Dirty, but loos like in working condition, but have a lot of tears on folds. About 20 spots backed with sail repair adhesive tape. Sail has only one reef point. requires to put tail-tails as well.

Head sail,Genoa "Spare", dirty in exposed places. Luff rope is missing as well luff rope pocket need to be redone. In general, sail in good condition . Will be nice to check with sail loft how much will be to get it to working condition.

Laundry day(s) washed sails in OxyClean 2 cup@300L of water ~24 hours.

Drying laundry. Genoa is BIG, means Really Big.



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