Day 18-19, 4/9/22 Starboard deck fairing (cycle 3 and protective paint), Stanchions, Bulkhead tabbing, Fixed ports, 10 hours

Starboard deck 

Finished deck fairing and painted with gelcoat for protection. Just  protection reason final fearing will be done during deck painting prep.

<<TODO: Final picture to add>>>


Drilled holes and put all new chainplate mount bolts 

Starboard bulkhead

Starboard bulkhead tabbed to hull on both sides of bulkhead .

Used 2 layers of 1708 and 1 layer 24oz Woven Roving using Epoxy resin


 Cut original mount out on starboard aft stanchion. No leftover wood found.

Found a pretty strange stanchion flange shape. It has 3mm step on one side. 

Looks like it was designed to overlay toe rail, but holes were drilled in the wrong place.

I built new oak wood block drilled oversized hole for the stanchion pipe, infill it with a structural putty, than drill it back again to make plastic touch the metal only. then install it back to hull with the same structural putty following fiberglassing it to the hull side. 2 layers og 24Oz  24oz Woven Roving, than 1708 for surface and additional strength.

Some overhanging on the bottom will be necessary to cut off.

Fixed Ports

Full disaster. Tryes to remove old acrylic and as result, gelcoat around window ports was chipped. Originally, fixed port windows were installed in hard in gelcoat, sure they cracked due to different thermal expansion. No elastic compound found at all! just acrylic and gelcoat. 


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