Day 12, 2/6, Mostly cleanup, couple opennings, 6 hours
Fixed windows
Checked fit for fixed windows template. Plywood template its very close.
Window ports
Made and checked jig for window ports.
I need to route openings in the shape where spigot will be angled vs wall due to ports I sourced have angled spigots. It will make better drainage, but much more work during installation.
Template consist of two layers due to maximum length of mill bit is 2.5". Template not only align cut out in external skin, it will also align spigot angle. Windows i bought have angles spigots, so i need to make cut in plywood core following the angle.
Port side bulkhead
Sad story, figured out bulkhead gets a lot of water from the wet core deck. Looks like whole port section where chain plates are penetrating it need to be reworked. Also bulkhead is compromised, so, need to be replaced too. Going to be prepared for BIG polyester resin work.
Replaced o-rings and membrane, Refilled with odorless spirits. Now it looks like new.
Continue remove rotted wood from interior.
Navigator desk removed for rebuild.
Took out all "cable guides" to get access to deck to hull joint and stanchions.
Did some in deep investigation. there was surprise again. I could not imagine it is even possible people did this crap.
How it must to be built. Not great design,but what i found is crazy at all.
Story of one stanchion mount dig in.
Stanchion just stick out from the "box" where i hope was some wood years ago.
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