
Showing posts from February, 2022

Day 15, 2/19/22 DECK re-coreing step 3, fibergass gaps. 7 hours

  Starboard deck re-coring Everything ready to re-fiberglass gaps    Fibeglassed - easy to say, but it is 4 hours of pretty nasty work.  No-skid deck template  it is nice pattern, but to redo it back on the repaired area will be kind of not simple job. I have made mold  using existing deck, mold release agent, gelcoat and fiberglass. So, put mold release agent to deck, then paint with gelcoat, then put one layer of 1708 over. Unfortunately for me i took only finishing gelcoat from home,so i decided do not wait gelcoat to set in full, because NOTHING to sand, so i laminated it as soon as it turned to gel phase. Unfortunately it did not gelled everywhere and it started to flake mix with resin i put over, so did some mess. likely need to do it again. But it looks not bad even now. Original Deck surface "Negative " home made mold surface Chainplates "humps"  for the deck machined from G10 material, 2 installed, 2 need to install Starboard bulkhead, dry fit...

Day 14, 2/15, Starboard deck recoring, 7 Hours, 62 hours total

   Starboard deck Cut new core from marine grade plywood, cut it the same minor as original plywood was. Sanded and de-greased both of plywood. applied polyester resin with small amount of chopped fiberglass to bottom skin and positioned plywood. loaded with 4 bags of sand. Actually I had to use more, but it was all i have for now. In 2 hours, when resin get gelled layer of put well thickened resin and put over old top skin to cover most of surface. loaded with 14 bags of sand for curing, finished at 8:30PM

Day 13, 2/13/22, Open saturated deck section, glassing additional support for starboard lower front stay mount, 9 Hours

 Fixed windows Dry fit for fixed port window, find it is cut in plastic window does not fit about 5mm on long corner.     Deck  Opened deck clanking around the starboard side chainplates. found the hole was not fixed AT ALL. Previous owner just purred fist size blob of 3M 5200 and hope it will keep water from running inside. No, it did not work! Took out the top skin of the deck section. proportionally rotted partially heavy saturated with water. First look is not so bad, but almost whole surface spongy wet. Half way to cleanup 4 hours later...  A lot of grinding and sanding, top skin was sanded as well. In cople places i have cut little bit out of shape, will need to address these places when do re-coreing. View from below Chainplates received Attempted to polish - not excellent, but looks good!  Port side chainplate dry fit for the new chainplate Drill holes, drill out for bigger diameter, infill with thickened epoxy. Starboard  side chain plate...

Day 12, 2/6, Mostly cleanup, couple opennings, 6 hours

Fixed windows Checked fit for fixed windows template. Plywood template its very close.   Window ports Made and checked jig for window ports. I need to route openings in the shape where spigot will be angled vs wall due to ports I sourced have angled spigots. It will make better drainage, but much more work during installation.      Template consist of two layers due to maximum length of mill bit is 2.5". Template not only align cut out in external skin, it will also align spigot angle. Windows i bought have angles spigots, so i need to make cut in plywood core following the angle.   Port side bulkhead  Sad story, figured out bulkhead gets a lot of water from the wet core deck. Looks like whole port section where chain plates are penetrating it need to be reworked. Also bulkhead is compromised, so, need to be replaced too. Going to be prepared for BIG polyester resin work.   Compass  Replaced o-rings and membrane, Refilled with odorless spirits. No...