Day 15, 2/19/22 DECK re-coreing step 3, fibergass gaps. 7 hours
Starboard deck re-coring Everything ready to re-fiberglass gaps Fibeglassed - easy to say, but it is 4 hours of pretty nasty work. No-skid deck template it is nice pattern, but to redo it back on the repaired area will be kind of not simple job. I have made mold using existing deck, mold release agent, gelcoat and fiberglass. So, put mold release agent to deck, then paint with gelcoat, then put one layer of 1708 over. Unfortunately for me i took only finishing gelcoat from home,so i decided do not wait gelcoat to set in full, because NOTHING to sand, so i laminated it as soon as it turned to gel phase. Unfortunately it did not gelled everywhere and it started to flake mix with resin i put over, so did some mess. likely need to do it again. But it looks not bad even now. Original Deck surface "Negative " home made mold surface Chainplates "humps" for the deck machined from G10 material, 2 installed, 2 need to install Starboard bulkhead, dry fit...