Day 12, 1/30, Chainplate mount part2, 3 hours

 Port side chain plate mount.

Tabbing and full overlay was added.

So, construction:

I left original tabbing sides and made them beveled 12:1 - 3inch  for 0.25inch.

Internal sides was cleaned from  old plywood with chisel to clean glass.


Intentionally leave glass "wool for better adhesion. Maybe wrong way, but i desired that more surface will not harm.

Then glued together 3 layers of 12mm bakelite plywood sheet (1.5 inch total).

Wrapped in West marine epoxy soaked epoxy intended CSM and glued it in on the original place.

Then 4 layers of 1708 on both sides  to get the same thickness as original tabbing. 

After several hours added 2 more layers in right side.

Leave it stay overnight. Tights are pretty cold now.

I left heater to keep 20C because i used Slow hardener intended to be used above 16C

Today grinded surface again as soon as epoxy cured well and added 3 layers 1708 on each side and tabbing to the hull. It was single pieces.

And bonus - my glassing workplace.


Measured chain plates To make new set of them.


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