
Showing posts from January, 2022

Day 12, 1/30, Chainplate mount part2, 3 hours

 Port side chain plate mount. Tabbing and full overlay was added. So, construction: I left original tabbing sides and made them beveled 12:1 - 3inch  for 0.25inch. Internal sides was cleaned from  old plywood with chisel to clean glass.   Intentionally leave glass "wool for better adhesion. Maybe wrong way, but i desired that more surface will not harm. Then glued together 3 layers of 12mm bakelite plywood sheet (1.5 inch total). Wrapped in West marine epoxy soaked epoxy intended CSM and glued it in on the original place. Then 4 layers of 1708 on both sides  to get the same thickness as original tabbing.  After several hours added 2 more layers in right side. Leave it stay overnight. Tights are pretty cold now. I left heater to keep 20C because i used Slow hardener intended to be used above 16C Today grinded surface again as soon as epoxy cured well and added 3 layers 1708 on each side and tabbing to the hull. It was single pieces. And bonus - my glassing w...

Day11, 1/22, Port side stay chainplate anchor bulk board removal, 7 Hours

Drop down sails  Drop down sails to take load of the mast as possible. Little bit tricky to do it alone but deck configuration is pretty good to fold sails shorthanded. Another reason - clean and do minor repair for sails.   Port side bottom stay chainplate mount repair Removing chainplate and cutting out completely rotten mount point  plywood board. Close look  to chanplate to stay connection ;) I was impressed with this cotter pin! As you know we can't take out stay from the chainplate when mast is UP, so i did some bracket and moved tension to toerail. Maybe not a very elegant solution, but i hope without heavy load it should work well. Now chainplate is free, and mast still in place. AND.... 3 hours boat yoga in toilet to get rotted mount out of  the boat ;-) So below the deck. Chainplate mount inside this molded in cabinet here. Welcome to hell. What I started from.        Who and why did here, i have no idea, but what i see it is not ri...

Air conditioner has arrived

Toy tested, works great! Fit check Paper model play.  

Day 9, 1/15, Wood salvage... 4 hours at home

 It is fun and no fun, pulling out nails and staples from old plywood and wood parts of interior. A lot of nice trim planks rescued, hopefully will be able to reuse them. Cabinet Pall gave me is useful only as template, and thing to understand how bad bulkhead was rotted.   Other pictures will be added later.

Day 7, Checking alternator, 2 hours at home

 Check alternator, Alternator appeared non functional,  and i took it home for check. Original hope was the issue is in regulator, unfortunately, opening the case show burned stator windings, so alternator is good as weight ;-)  I have some 63A alternator on hands , has another mounting but with hacksaw and my hands i adopted it to place.

Day8, 1/14, telegraph installation back, 2 hours

4 hour cut, several times restart and new mounting plate for motor control was built.  Designed   And cut from 1/4 aluminum Fitted And installed New shift cable works well.  Found the accelerator cable is set the way it is over-pushed causing extencive resistance on handle. Needs to be adjusted on the engine side.   Check  fit for restored companion way insert. Looks nice.