Day 115, 11/26,11/27/,11/28, Main cabin wood Varnishing in progress(3 consiquent days). 6 + 1.5 + 2 hours

Interior work Main cabin varnishing . Temperature dropped a lot, so running small heater on the floor and and 20" fan blowing air through front hatch. First and second layer 1 hour scuffing, 1 hour cleaning, 1:30 painting (varnishing), 6 hours timeout,1:30 painting. 2 layers done, 4 coming. Photos will be after all done. Third layer Monday: one more layer done of gloss Gleam. Next will be satin on most surfaces. I have too much busy look. Forth layer Satin varnish now. after 3 layers of gloss varnish all looks very rich, but too busy for eyes. Actually what happened, my gleam 2.0 originally was Satin version, but all flattening agent settled on the bottom of the can, and i did not realize that I have satin type until read it on the can. I used gloss (top part) of varnish for first 3 layers and used about 1/3 of gallon from the can. It means if i just mix varnish with settled flattening agent back to liquid I will have it "overdosed". I did a trick, carefull...