
Showing posts from November, 2022

Progress report #3, Since Sep 25 2022

  Things are done since  9/25 Cockpit drains replaced. Re-setup fixed window (it was not bonded well) Engine room ventilation hose and scoops mounted New VHF/AIS antenna and cable replaced  New LED spreader lights installed. Day Water tank leakage repaired (osmosis, leaking crack in a bottom) Main water tank repaired (bad osmosis and hole in bottom)  Both tanks re-coated inside with special portable water 2 component coating. New HDPE lids made and installed to both fresh water tanks to make water tanks safe. Water level sensor added to main and day fresh water tanks.  Stanchions repair finished, all filled with poly resin and rubber plugged from bottom, then reinstalled. New dynema lifelines installed. one piece still need to be replaced. A/C in and out collector boxes, air outlet boxes and duct work. Front cabin cabinet structure rebuilt around AC. Main sheet traveler re-bedded Cabin top winch re-bedded  Cabin top aft hatch repaired and renovated. (left w...

Day 63-65, 11/24/22-11/26/22, Main fresh water tank rebuild, Main saloon interior, ~16 Hours total

   Main water tank Done!    Before... I Opened the tank and found osmosis pox covered whole internal surface. I do not concern about  structural strength, but more see problem in chemicals may get in the fresh in the water, and surface strength to be able to keep 2 part coat layer. All frame looks like somebody just screw lid without thinking that any hole in the frame is potential leak later. I feel there was 3 different attempts to mount lid. And sure, water tank lid made from plywood (exterior plywood to be clear)  will not keep water virgin clear. And "cherry" on a top: DRILLED!!!  6mm hole in a middle of the tank bottom. More questions than ideas... Who? Why? What purpose? What was done. All "pox", holes in frame and hole in the tank bottom are sanded  filled and overglassed.  Also I added tape on bottom side edges. Internal surface covered with two layers of  special drinking water epoxy liner LiquaTile 1172. It is  only prod...

Day 62, 11/19/22, Front cabin Cabinet, Main saloon interior, Li-ION battery locker floor, 7 Hours

Interior Front cabin cabinet.  I remake new panels from plywood using original parts as template. Re-built cabinet around Air conditioner. Cabinet will get original drawers, teak trim and air intake grill to cover Air filter. '    Main cabin  Cabinets "bulkheads" Cut parts and tab vertical walls to hull sides and deck to keep them on place. Later I will add shelf to split port area. as well i am going to build NAV station around original table.       Lithium battery battery compartment. Built flat flour for the Lithium battery in the compartment next to original battery tray.  Likely will be able to put 5-th pack of batteries there.  

Day 60, 11/13, Front water tank opened, Interior parts templates, 7 Hours

 Water Front water tank  I look through the port in water tank and see osmosis pox and residue traces on them. Definitely not a best thing to fresh water tank. When i started to take screws from the tank lid... they are appeared THE "black drywall" type, rusted as hell, most of them are steed under 45 degree angle. When i tried to undone them they just break on rusted necks. To take cover off I cut it in pieces and removed. Looks like somebody used liquid nails instead of silicon or polyurethane sealant. THE Most mystic thing is a 6mm hole drilled on the middle of  tank bottom. I did not believe my eyes and suspected it is just chipped gelcoat. I inserted screw there and it easy get in. ;-) Interior Headliner Put temporary plywood slats instead of just screws to eliminate plastic stretching. Now ceiling looks really good. Can't say the same about stuff around. Length of trim  parts for the headliner (pencil writing)   Interior walls and front cabin cabinet templ...

Day 59, 11/6, Cabin headliner, 7 hours work

 Night  Interior Installing headliner I used 1/8 inch foamed pvc sheet for the headliner. Little trick to mount. I made templates using plywood strips and hot glue. Something like this. Then used templates to cut headliner plastic. Panels screwed to  plywood shims glued under deck. Later, I will take screws out and put teak trim.  

Vacation ;) days 54-58 10/28-11/2. 36 hours work.

Big sprint  days 54-58 10/28-11/2 Deck Deck handles installed. Handles bolted to deck with bolts from under beneath. Installation went mostly  well.  All bedded with butil tape. Run 2 hours water tight test - no problems.   All but one place they bolted with 3/8 bolts. Provide descent strength. Long Portside handle, second mount bolt substituted with big self-tapping screw.  It appeared one insert is loosed and not holds well in wood. Fortunately I was able to put about 1-1/2 inch  in wood body and it is mount in middle between bolted places, so I think it is some compromise, but should work for years.   Water system Day Water tank finished, filled with water, no smell, or feel able taste di    Tank repaired, coated with drinking water grade coat. Original fresh water tank cover on left. It was just painted plywood. I do not have imagine what paint was used, is it good for drinking water. I know plywood+water -> problems, does not mater wh...