Progress report #3, Since Sep 25 2022

Things are done since 9/25 Cockpit drains replaced. Re-setup fixed window (it was not bonded well) Engine room ventilation hose and scoops mounted New VHF/AIS antenna and cable replaced New LED spreader lights installed. Day Water tank leakage repaired (osmosis, leaking crack in a bottom) Main water tank repaired (bad osmosis and hole in bottom) Both tanks re-coated inside with special portable water 2 component coating. New HDPE lids made and installed to both fresh water tanks to make water tanks safe. Water level sensor added to main and day fresh water tanks. Stanchions repair finished, all filled with poly resin and rubber plugged from bottom, then reinstalled. New dynema lifelines installed. one piece still need to be replaced. A/C in and out collector boxes, air outlet boxes and duct work. Front cabin cabinet structure rebuilt around AC. Main sheet traveler re-bedded Cabin top winch re-bedded Cabin top aft hatch repaired and renovated. (left w...