Day 136, 3/24, 3/25 New companionway hatch plastic dry fit, Deck painting preparation, 8 hours total
Deck Companionway hatch. Original hatch is heavy UV damaged and it is 27x29" 1/2 inch plexiglass. Problem to find supplier who ready to cut you this size and let you pay for what you get. 99.9% of suppliers try to charge only 48x96" , 48x48, 48x24, 24x24 and problem is our catch is little bit bigger than 24x24" in both directions and suppliers pushing me to buy 48x48" and overpay almost x4 times. Difference between $150 I paid and $450 they want because they want. I found who was ready to cut me what i need and do not overpay. . Chemcast Transparent Colored Acrylic Plexiglass bronze 47% Dry fit of new piece of Plexi. Drawing of the hatch handle to rebuild original one. Deck This day my wife came to help me sand the fairing on the deck with random orbital sander and i did hand sanding in tight quarters, then repatriated some places for second time. Next day spent another two hour to sand to smooth. Second patching cycle after sandin...