Day 121, 122, 123 1/21/24 - 1/28/23 Batteries wireing, small projects 8+6+7 hours
Interior Made and installed cover over the back side of the cockpit display. Made from tinned acrylic, and black painted on the back. Looks good? I can use it as mirror :-) Also added, small plate below the countertop. It covers hole where LPG power switch was installed. Now it is on the main panel. Lockers Installed handles to my locker doors. Little bit not in color, but shape is what i need. Navigation table Added display control buttons. 3D printed parts. Electrical As I wrote before all wiring on my boat was original, made using bare copper stranded, wire, but 7 strands wire, and I replaced all wiring after switch/breaker box to meet modern UL 1426 standard. High flexible stranded tinned copped wire. For some time I left "battery" side wires "as is". So, now time is come. Spent 3 days to make new high current wiring. First day disassemble ond wiring, second gay inspect engine wiring, and started new wiring assembly , third - finishing ,...