
Showing posts from November, 2021

Day first, Cleaning, Digging, tossing, 9 Hours

Post was lost ;-(  I would recommend to read page  BEGINNING... It was really good.  8 hours of digging stuff from the boat,   Cleaned bilge, found the sump pump does not installed Previous owner drained kitchen sink to bilge as result i spent 4 hours clean it Other problem - pump's float mount is not attached to hull. set it somehow, need to be reworked. Found fishman's anchor, additional head sail, a lot of small useful and not things. Issue has to be addressed was found as well, one clamp on stuffing box is lost. Need to be replaced ASAP.

Project boat did found me

After looking about 40k boat on coast we agreed no way to get something in 3 hours drive. I have found Irwin 34 on Facebook market on Travis lake for $5K in 30 minutes drive.  Long story short - project boat. Known issues:  OLD BOAT, Interior after 2 years live a board  A lot of water damage coming from weather water. Port side lower front chain-plate anchor rotted   Hull gel-coat scratched in widest parts over dock port side hull paint flaking in one place Stanchions leaking like hell Ports old and leaking left stationary port glass cracked  Deck is 40 years old paint, but maintainable. Furler requires maintenance and diagnostic Main sail really dirty, a lot of green Underwater: FG cracks around bottom rudder bracket and cutlass bearing stand where metal joined to FG Cockpit, engine hatch is soft, no sealing Ugly RV style AC  Broken pulpit tubing, no place to put anchor, however 3 anchors in inventory. Sterling: Port side roller mounted on two mount ...